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The paper describes the results of investigations of the landscape and ecological conditions of situation of the rural settlements. On the basis of degree of groundwater protection there are several groups of the rural settlements is carried out. It is established, that more of them (60,4%) are belongs to group with conditions of the most protected groundwater and only 40,3% of rural settlements has conditions with the less protected groundwater.

The estimation of natural protection of groundwater within administrative areas is executed. The study demonstrated that the areas with the most protected groundwater take places in northern part of the Gomel region, less protected groundwater is in the western and southern parts of the region.

The analysis of the indicators defining quality of the well water is carried out. Differences in a contamination level of groundwater within administrative areas are established. Nitrate contamination is a common problem with well water in 93% of chemical analysis of water samples. More than in half of administrative areas they always are present at the chemical analysis of water samples.

Relationship between the chemical contamination of the well water and situation of rural settlements within the landscape and also dependence between the growth of non-standard chemical analysis of water samples with nitrate contamination and the area of arable land is established.

50 выпусков геологов ГГУ