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Количество просмотров материалов

Faculty of Geology & Geography

 Faculty founded in 1969 (Geology Faculty). In 1989 preparation on a speciality Geography has begun (Geographer. Lecturer of geography). In 1998 – speciality Ecology (since 2003 – Geoecology. Geographer-ecologist. Lecturer of geography & ecology). Faculty offers programs of study leading to the Diploma of Higher Education, Master Degree, PhD Degree.

 Structure of Faculty:

Department of Geology & Geography

Department of Ecology

Geological Museum





Laboratoryof Historical geology&paleontology

Laboratory of Petrography

Laboratory of Mineralogy

Laboratory of soils&grounds

Laboratory of Dynamics of underground waters

Laboratory of Physical and chemical methods of researches

Laboratory of General ecology

Laboratory of geoenvironmental monitoring

Laboratoryof Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


 The teaching process

 Higher Education Programs

 Speciality: Geography (in directions)

Qualification: Geographer. Lecturer of geography



Rational Use of Natural Resources & Nature Protection,

Geography of tourism & excursion management


Basic and Special courses:






Geography of soils




Physical geography of continents

Social and economic geography of the world

Geography of World Industries

Methods of geographical researches

Geographic Information Systems

Population geography

Physical geography ofBelarus

Social and economic geography ofBelarus

Specializations courses (Rational Use of Natural Resources & Nature Protection):

Geography of world resources

Wildlife management

Natural and social complexes of theGomelregion

Geography of plants and animals ofBelarus

Land management

Recreational resources of Belarus

Specializations courses (Geography of tourism & excursion management):

Tourism industry

Economy of the tourism

Geography of architecture and ethnography ofBelarus

Geography of Gomel region

Geography of world tourism

Ecological tourism

  Speciality: Geoecology

Qualification: Geographer-ecologist. Lecturer of geography & ecology



Environment monitoring

General Geoecology


Basic and Special courses:






Geography of soils


General ecology

Methods of geoecological researches

Ecology of soils

Ecological certification

Ecology of animals

Ecology of landscapes

Plant ecology


Geographic Information Systems in Ecology

Ecological assessment, management and audit

Specializations courses (Environment monitoring):

Environment monitoring

Biomonitoring and bioindication

Engineering ecology and environment protection

Radioecological monitoring

Geography of natural risks

Specializations courses (General Geoecology):

Bases of environment monitoring

Industrial ecology



Geochemistry and geophysics of landscapes


Waste management


 Speciality: Geology & Prospecting of Mineral Deposits

Qualification: Engineer-geologist



Geophysical Methods of Search of Mineral Deposits

Hydrogeology & Geological Engineering

Geology, Search & Prospecting of Oil & Gas Deposits


Basic and Special courses:

General geology



Structural geology


Historical geology



Geophysical methods of research




Engineering geology

Metalliferous deposit

Deposits of combustible & nonmetallic minerals

Geographic Information Systems in Geology

Specializations courses (Geophysical Methods of Search of Mineral Deposits):

Seismic Methods of Search of Mineral Deposits

Magnetic Methods of Search of Mineral Deposits

Radiological Methods of Search of Mineral Deposits

Engineering geophysics

Specializations courses (Hydrogeology & Geological Engineering):


Artificial grounds

Hydro-geological researches

Engineering-geological researches

Regional hydrogeology

Specializations courses (Geology, Search & Prospecting of Oil & Gas Deposits):

Bases of oil and gas geology

Oil deposits ofBelarus

Search & Prospecting of Oil & Gas Deposits

Hydrogeology of oil and gas deposits

Direct methods of searches of oil and gas deposits


Master`s Degree Programs:

Speciality: Geoecology (Master of geographical sciences, Master of geological sciences)

Speciality: General & Regional Geology (Master of geological sciences)

 Forms of studying: internal (1 year) and by correspondence (1,5 years).


Research Degree (PhD) Programs:

 – General & Regional Geology

– Hydrogeology

– Geology, Search & Prospecting of Oil & Gas Deposits

– Geophysical Methods of Search of Mineral Deposits

– Physical Geography & Biogeography, Geography of Soils & Geochemistry of Landscapes

– Geoecology

– Ecology

– Theory & Methods of Teaching (Geography).

 Forms of studying: internal (3 years) and by correspondence (4 years).


 Research work

 Fields of Research:

– Monitoring of natural and anthropogenous landscapes

– Bioindication of anthropogenous impact on natural ecosystems

– Local monitoring of underground waters

– Assessment and forecasting of natural and technogenic risks

– Research of geoenvironmental problems

– Geography of theGomelregion

– Technique of teaching of geography and ecology at school

– Scientific substantiation of development of tourism in the Gomelregion

Grants and scientific projects:

Ecological Diagnostics of Geological Environment and Forecast of Techno-Natural Risks of onUrbanizedTerritories(on the example of modeling cities and industrial objects). Research supervisor – A.I. Pavlovsky.

Factors and mechanisms of anthropogenic successions: the analysis of effects of a landscape environment and development system of mycorrhizal communications. Research supervisor – A.P. Gusev.

Assessment of a current state of underground waters and working out of recommendations about prevention of their pollution around ranges of a industrial and municipal waste. Research supervisor – O.V. Kovalyeva.

Methodical support of local monitoring of underground waters and condition Litho-tecnical systems «Gomelchemical plant». Research supervisor – I.O. Prylutski.

An ecological estimation and monitoring of ecosystems in natural and anthropogenous landscapes. Research supervisor – O.V. Kovalyeva.

TEMPUS projects: «Ecological Education for Belarus, Russia and Ukraine» (EcoBru) (Department of Ecology).


Andrej Gusev
Sovetskaja str., 104
246019 Gomel
tel. +(375-232)-57-81-34
E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Web: geography.gsu.by

50 выпусков геологов ГГУ