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Alexander A. Savarin

Candidate of Sciences (PhD)

Francisk Skorina Gomel State University




* Biologist, Gomel State University, 1989
* Candidate of biological Sciences (PhD), Minsk, 2011


Main appointments:

* Assistant Professor, Department of ecology, Gomel State University, 2004-



Ecology of Pathomorphological Changes




Savarin A. A. Pathological deformations of the skull of Eastern Hedgehog, Erinaceus concolor (Erinaceidae, Insectivora), in the Belarus Polesye // Vestnik zoologii. 2006. № 6. P. 549‒554.

Savarin A. A.  Pathomorphological changes in upper jaw of Eastern Hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor Martin, 1838) from territory of Belarus// Sci. Bull. Belgorod. Univ. (Natur. sci.), 2010. № 15 (86). Is. 12. P. 103‒108.

Savarin A. A.  Pathomorphological changes in lower jaw of Eastern Hedgehog, Erinaceus concolor (Erinaceidae, Insectivora) from territory of Belarus// Sci. Bull. Uzhgorod. Univ. (Ser. Biol.), 2011. Vol. 30. P. 98‒103.

Savarin A. A. About the morphology of the skull internal surface of Nortern White-Breasted Hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor roumanicus Barrett-Hamilton, 1900) from theterritoryofBelarus// Izvestia of Smolensk State University. 2012. № 3 (19). P. 273‒281.

Savarin A. A. About variability of os bregmaticum in the skull of the northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor roumanicus) inhabiting the territory of Belarus // Optimization and Protection of Ecosystems. Simferopol: TNU, 2013. Iss. 8. P. 114–122.

Savarin A. A. Pathomorphological changes in upper jaw of muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) on the territory of south-eastern Belarus // Optimization and Protection of Ecosystems. Simferopol: TNU, 2014. Iss. 10. P. 122–127.

Savarin A. Evidence of Depositions of Calcium Salts in Occipitalis Foramen of Northern White-Breasted Hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor roumanicus Barrett-Hamilton, 1900) from Belarus Area // Scientific dialogue. 2015. № 2 (38). P. 78-84.

Savarin, S THE MEDITERRANEAN WATER SHREW (NEOMYS ANOMALUS) IN NORTHERN BELARUS: NEW RECORDS AND IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA \ S. Savarin, V. Savarina \\ Theriologia Ukrainica. - 2019. - № 18. - С. 137–143. 


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