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Four types of natural landscapes were distinguished within the limits of the Gomel town. Alluvial and floodplatn landscapes are considered to be most favourable for recreational activities. These are mainly located within the Novobelitsa and Central administrative districts of the town. Parks, green aquatic complexes, scenic I and scape-aquatic objects are among the most attractive natural areas for public short-term rest. A number of visits to the recreation areas depends on the organization of public services and amenities. The most visited areas are cultural and historical, as well as social and cultural sites, that extend the opportиnities of public recreation. There are some factors that restrict the recreational activity. Firstly, this is the externaI anthropogenic impact not associated with the recreational activity. Secondly, this is the pollution of territories of public rest as a result of the recreational activity. Some suggestions are made to optimize the recreation in the town of Gomel. These include the improvement of public services and amenities within the most visited recreation areas, realization of the water and forest protection measures, as well as social activities aimed at increasing the cultural standards of public reacreation.

50 выпусков геологов ГГУ