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 The University staff members of the Department of ecology provide a range of services to the enterprises and organizations on development of environment-protection activities:

  • Elaboration of the standard for the permissible discharge (PD) of pollutants into surface water sources.
  • Calculation of permissible concentrations at discharge of sewage industrial water enterprises into the city network of water disposal
  • Development of a company environmental passport. According to Article 37 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Environmental Protection" of 26.11.1992. №1982-XII in the operation of buildings, structures and other objects, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are obliged to maintain an environmental passport of the enterprise.
  • Registration of documents for obtaining permission for special water use
  • Calculation of water consumption and wastewater rates for technological processes.
  • Inspection of treatment facilities to determine the effectiveness of their work.
  • Hydrobiological survey with calculation of saprobity of water resources and water flows
  • Carrying out investigations of active silt of the aeration tanks of treatment facilities
  • Geobotanical analysis of phytocenosis of urban parks.

Ковалёва Оксана Владимировна,

заведующий кафедрой экологии,

кандидат биологических наук, доцент,

тел. +(375 232) 57-35-86, факс +(375 232) 60-30-02

e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. , http:// geography.gsu.by

Русская версия


50 выпусков геологов ГГУ