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Magnetic exploration of technical and archaeological objects




monitoring of the condition of underground technical systems (pipelines, heating mains);

search for underground foundations, buried ditches, trenches, wells, metal structures;

archaeological research.


The essence of the development: the detection and delineation of underground objects that differ from the host geological environment by magnetic properties is carried out using magnetic survey by a high-sensitivity proton magnetometer Geometrics G-857 applying a special technique.

Magnetic exploration allows obtaining information concerning underground technical and subsurface archaeological sites in the form of magnetic anomalies caused by the heterogeneity of iron oxides. Magnetic micro-survey reveals iron objects, slags from furnaces, brick buildings, garbage pits and other archeological artifacts lying at shallow depths

Proton magnetometer Geometrics G-857


Alexander Pavlovsky,

 Head of the Department of geology and geography

Candidate of geography, docent,

 tel. +(375 232) 60-74-82, fax +(375 232) 60-30-02

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