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Количество просмотров материалов

Andrei P. Gusev

Candidate of Sciences (PhD)
Docent of Ecology
Dean of Geology & Geography Faculty

Francisk Skorina Gomel State University


* Geologist, Gomel State University, 1993
* Candidate of Geological Sciences (PhD), Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1997
* Docent Diploma, Highest Attestation Committee, Republic of Belarus, 2001


Main appointments:

* Assistant Professor, Department of Geophysics, Gomel State University, 1993-1996

* Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology, Gomel State University, 1997-1999

* Associate Professor (Docent), Department of Ecology, Gomel State University, 1999-2002

* Dean of Geology & Geography Faculty,GomelStateUniversity, 2002 –



Member of theBelarusGeography Society


Geoecology, landscape ecology, phytoindication


Gusev, A.P. Primary succession on phosphogypsum Dumps (Gomel Chemical Plant, Belarus) // Russian Journal of Ecology. – 2006. – Vol. 37. – No. 3. – pp. 210-212

Gusev, A.P. Plant indicators of engineering-geological processes on a city territory // Natural resources, 2006. – No.3. – pp. 33-40.

Gusev, A.P. Succession system as the basis of Phytoindication of the Landscape Dynamics (exemplified by the Polessye Landscape Province) // Natural resources, 2008. – No.2. – pp. 51-62.

Gusev A.P. Specific Features of Early Stages of Progressive Succession in an Anthropogenic Landscape: An Example from Southeastern Belarus // Russian Journal of Ecology. – 2009. - Vol. 40. – No.3. – pp. 160-165.

Gusev, A.P. Change of Ecologic Conditions in the Course of Progressive Successional Replacement of Communities in a Broad-Leaved Landscape (Polesia Province, Belarus) // Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2009. – Vol. 2. – No.5. – pp. 405-410.

Gusev, A.P. Features of Plant Succession in Landscapes Disturbed by Anthropogenic Activity (by Example of Southeastern Belarus) // Contemporary Problems of Ecology. – 2012. – Vol. 5. – No. 2. – pp. 174–178.


Gusev, A.P. Land-Use History as a Factor of theContemporaryStateof a Plant Cover: An Example fromSoutheastern Belarus// Contemporary Problem of Ecology. – 2014. – Vol. 7. – №2. – pp. 182-186.


 Gusev, A.P. The Impact of Invasive Canadian Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.) on Regenerative Succession in Old Fields (the Southeast of Belarus) // Russian Journal of Biological Invasions. – 2015. – Vol. 6. – №2. – pp. 74-77.



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